Week 7 Updates

After mentor feedback at the beginning of week four, we decided as a team that our top priority is to lock in our shot lengths and camera cuts. We are also proceeding to shoot our next live action plate this week after having our location confirm.

For the coming week this is what I will need to prioritize:

  1. Add motion blur to shots

  2. Look into new BG plates

  3. Transition adjustments

  4. Readjust post camera moves

New BG Plates

After working with our previous BG live plate for some time, we decided to pivot away from the forest concept due to mentor feedback. This brought on a new challenge of finding a new BG plate that wasn't to jarring but still not to subtle to e barely their. We decided to simplify the concept and go with a studio like environment.

After some searching, I found a background that matched the aesthetic we were going for while also being simple enough to not drive the viewers focus away from our product. I imported the BG into Photoshop and adjusted it generative fill like our previous BG plate. This allowed me to shrink and expand our BG plate into what we needed it to be.

Transition Adjustments

For the transition between shots 02 and 03, I have had some difficulty trying to blend the two separate shots to be seamless with one another. Some of the issues can be fixed with readjustments of the camera projection cards as well as investing a little more time into the camera movements as well. But there is the matter of the awkward dark space that has nothing in it. To solve this issue I may invest into an overlay effect that will take up some of the missing space in the future.